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Important information about the outdoor pool

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Everything in our Fjord Garden really is rosy.

Rosy is putting it mildly. Sitting in a prime position next to the fjord, our picturesque garden is full of colour all year round. Enjoy a lazy summer’s day in a sun lounger right on the fjord and take a refreshing dip in the bay. Or take in the vibrant hues in autumn before exploring our very own sandy beach…

Rosy is putting it mildly. Sitting in a prime position next to the fjord, our picturesque garden is full of colour all year round. Enjoy a lazy summer’s day in a sun lounger right on the fjord and take a refreshing dip in the bay. Or take in the vibrant hues in autumn before exploring our very own sandy beach.

In our garden, you will also find the composer Edvard Greig’s cabin, which he frequently used for pleasure and inspiration while staying in Lofthus.

Edvard Greig’s composer cabin
Much of what we today consider to be the most valuable pieces of Norwegian music was created in Lofthus, including: The String Quartet in G minor, opus 27 / The Mountain Thrall, opus 32 / Album for Mandssang (The Album for Male Voices), opus 30 / part of ‘Peer Gynt’.
Large sections of the Holberg Suite were also composed in Lofthus, partly in Grieg’s composer’s cabin, and partly in the farmhouse of Arne Lofthus, another good friend from the village.